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“I’m Obsessed with the smell of trash bags”

So sometimes with Clorox we’ll do English translations of spots that came from our sister Hispanic agency (and vice-versa). I remember trying to find my CD to ask him a question and he says, “I’ve been looking for you. Do you want to go to Miami for a few weeks?” Of course I said yes.

I was immediately put on casting calls to try and find this woman who’s obsessed with trash bags, and I think the actress we picked out nailed it. I then flew to Miami with my ACD and we filmed at a house that was a 10 minute drive from where I grew up. The original Hispanic spots were written by an old Miami Ad School buddy of mine, and we had tons of fun at the shoot. My Australian ACD was very grateful I could keep her in the loop of what was going on when everyone on set was speaking Spanish since I’m bilingual.

After the shoot she left, but I stayed for three weeks to work on post production. It was an incredible learning experience, and would go back to shoot and edit in Miami in a heartbeat.

#REDdragon #shoot #muchatecnologia

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Online Spots

Jim Bosiljevac (CD) + Sam Brown (ACD) + Oliver Macdonald (AD)

Online content on a shoestring budget

We were tasked to create new online content for Bertolli on a shoestring budget, while also matching the look and feel of a previous TV campaign. Stylistically we achieved the “stop-motion” feeling by setting the clips to run at slower frames, and modulated that throughout. I also personally created the :06 audio track after I wasn’t pleased with what the editors were coming back with.



Jacque Vavroch (CW) + Oliver Macdonald (AD)

Farm To Flavor

Alexia was introducing their new Rosemary fries, and they wanted a print piece that followed the look and feel of their previous “Farm To Flavor” campaign. Although those pieces were composited with the help of CGI bags, the idea we presented for the print was possible to do all in camera. We shot for a full day in a studio locally in SF, and it was fascinating to see how something like this comes to life.


Brian Button (CW) + Oliver Macdonald (AD)